Notes for March 14, 2023 meeting at Ranch Pub (in attendance Werner, Suz, Jan, John, Elliot, Steve) Promo book - John and Suz confirmed numerous participating companies. Pubs offering ~20% off food items; Steve to find out who the TriCities passport group used for printing (first year was Westwood Printing and found it to be expensive; will find out who they used the second year). Oktoberfest - proforma to be reviewed at board meeting. Need to get Serving it Right for all members; License to be applied for 1000 people at Jack's place Agreed that attendance at local events will be once a month. Event calendar to be made w/ volunteer schedule; main banner ordered; tent not ordered. our next meeting will be dedicated to community events and creating the calendar. Membership: Discussed doing a once a month update at morning meetings (similar to the happy dollars); goal is to create a organization wide focus on membership
Committee Members
Golden Ears Sunrise
Golden Ears Sunrise
Vice Chairperson